Results 1–99 of 99 for "toxicology."
Toxicology Evaluation (Digital)
Learn more about TVMDL’s Digital Toxicology Service then submit your specimens using the submission form for digital toxicology evaluation.
Bovine Syndromic Diagnostic Plans
...Clinical Pathology CS MTWRF Heavy Metal Panel (ICP/MS) 10 g liver 1-4 days Toxicology CS TR Toxicology Quantitation (GC/MS) rumen contents, liver, forage, hay 1-5 days Toxicology CS MTWRF Chemistry Profile – Ruminant 0.5 mL serum 1 day Clinical Pathology CS MTWRF CBC – Livestock 1 mL EDTA blood + blood film 1 day Clinical Pathology CS MTWRF Hemoparasite Examination (Wright-Giemsa Stain) 1 mL EDTA blood, blood film 1 day Clinical Pathology CS MTWRF...
Toxicology Evaluation (Microscopy)
Identification of components and toxic substances, such as plants and plant parts, algae, insects, or bait material.
The passing of Dr. John Reagor, Veterinary Toxicologist Emeritus
...Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) as the agency’s toxicologist for 50 years. During his time at TVMDL he garnered a national reputation for his expertise of various toxins. He led TVMDL’s toxicology section to become one of the best in the country and helped develop assays that have saved the lives of countless animals. 50 years of selfless service Dr. William Sippel, TVMDL’s first director, invited Reagor to become one of...
Equine Syndromic Diagnostic Plans
...ed blood 1-3 days Toxicology CS MTWRF Vitamin E (HPLC) 10 g liver 1-7 days Toxicology CS R Vitamin E (HPLC) 2 mL serum 1-7 days Toxicology CS R Sarcocystis neurona (Western blot) 2 mL serum - Referral EDS KY - Sarcocystis neurona SAG 2/4/3 ELISA 1 mL serum and 1 mL CSF in red top tubes - Referral EDS KY - Sarcocystis neurona PCR (CSF) 1 mL CSF in EDTA tube - Referral EDS KY - Sarcocystis neurona PCR (brain) brain tissue - Referral UCDavis rtPCR -...
Analytical Chemistry Section Overview
...with professionals that have more than 100 years of combined experience in toxicology and drug testing allows for expert service from TVMDL. Analytical Chemistry Section Highlights Improvements in analytical capabilities have allowed TVMDL to refine its testing procedures and offer clients more broad-based screening. TVMDL staff have years of experience working with regulatory testing Accredited by multiple quality assurance programs Client servic...
Small Ruminant Syndromic Diagnostic Plans
...ver, 50 mg liver biopsy, 500 g feed 2-5 days Analytical Chemistry CS MTWRF Toxicology Evaluation (Microscopy) Rumen Content 1 qt rumen contents, 20 mL water, 500 g feed, 4 flakes hay 1-5 days Analytical Chemistry CS MTWRF Bacterial Identification - Livestock (Aerobic & Anaerobic Culture) Fresh tissue (Brain or CSF, Intestines, +/- Lung, Kidney), swabs 2-7 days Bacteriology CAN CS MTWRFS Clostridium spp. (FA)++ Fresh or fixed liver 1 day Bacteriolo...
Multiple goats diagnosed with senna plant toxicosis
...contents from one of the affected goats was submitted and examined by the toxicology section, and fragments of twinleaf senna were identified. Figure 2. Spanish goat exuding blood-tinged foam from mouth There are many species of the senna family. Some more common examples of toxic senna plants include twinleaf senna (Senna roemeriana), coffee senna (Senna occidentalis), sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia), and Lindheimer senna (Senna lindheimeriana). T...
Beetles found in alfalfa hay
...ntestinal protectants are also recommended. Management strategies for alfalfa include monitoring fields for the presence of blister beetles from June through September, cutting alfalfa at early bloom, and inspecting hay prior to feeding. In addition to identifying beetles, the toxicology section at TVMDL uses liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to detect cantharidin in urine, serum, gastrointestinal content, and feed. Conta...
Larson recognized as recipient of 2022 Director’s Excellence Award
...ed me with her drive to learn as much as she can about everything we do in toxicology.” Aside from her knowledge and skills, Larson is noted for having a positive attitude, no matter the task. She is known for enthusiastically assisting her coworkers and willingness to tackle new challenges. “She always has a smile on her face and her positivity is contagious,” Analytical Chemistry Section Head Dr. Travis Mays, said. “She is a wonderful role model...
Gopher bait with anticoagulant detected in horses as a reminder to be aware of where pesticides are stored and ensure they are not easily accessible to animals. For more information about this case, contact Dr. Guy Sheppard, veterinary diagnostician at the College Station laboratory, or Dr. Cat Barr, TVMDL toxicologist. Learn more about TVMDL’s tests and services by visiting or calling one of the agency’s full service laboratories in College Station or Amarillo. References: ht...
Forms Forms Clients with existing TVMDL accounts may choose to submit digital toxicology and digital cytology using the TVMDL Mobile phone app. Learn more about how to download the TVMDL Mobile app for your phone by clicking here. Digital Toxicology Form Digital Cytology Form Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) Form TVMDL accepts samples taken from animals suspected to be infected with rabies. Samples will be forwarded to the Texas Department of State H...
Education Library
...a Comprehensive Serology Testing Plan Verify Results Using Your Smartphone Toxicology Fumonisin Facts Diagnosing Toxic and Nutritional Conditions Guidelines for Collecting Liver Samples to Characterize Liver Disease Digital Toxicology Services Avian Metal & Mineral Data (72865) Black Buck Metal & Mineral Data (76495) Bovine Metal & Mineral Data (72866) Canine Metal & Mineral Data (72877) Caprine Metal & Mineral Data (72878) Cervid (White tailed, B...
Is that a laboratory in your pocket? How TVMDL’s telemedicine services are giving clients one foot in the laboratory, even at a distance
...ngly.” The next addition to TVMDL’s lineup of digital services was digital toxicology. Similar to its predecessor, digital toxicology offers clients the option of submitting images of potentially toxic forages for identification. Although this service doesn’t decrease turnaround time for results, it does remove the barrier of shipping forages to the laboratory. Currently, TVMDL is developing its newest digital service: digital parasitology. This s...
Suspected Anticoagulant Bait Confirmed to be Bromethalin
...odenticide testing. The anticoagulant rodenticide screen was negative, but toxicology staff noted the bait sample was similar in color to bromethalin bait and suggested the sample be tested for bromethalin. Bromethalin was confirmed in the sample by liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Bromethalin is also a rodenticide, but differs from anticoagulants in that it functions as a neurotoxin rather than an anticoagulant. Bromet...
Marijuana detected in multiple dogs or call 1.888.646.5623. References: 1 Brutlag A and Hommerding H. Toxicology of Marijuana, Synthetic Cannabinoids, and Cannabidiol in Dogs and Cats. Vet Clin Small Anim. 2018, 48:1087-1102. 2 Vaughn D, Kulpa J and Paulionis L. Preliminary Investigation of the Safety of Escalating Cannabinoid Doses in Healthy Dogs. Front Vet Sci. 2020, 7:51. 3 Fitzgeral KT, Bronstein AC and Newquist KL. Marijuana Poisoning. Topics in Compan An Med. 2013, 2...
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab on the front lines of pet food recalls from veterinarians who need testing on a client’s behalf, or from other toxicologists and laboratories. “We mostly serve the veterinarians who send us samples from their clients,” she said. “We in toxicology also work with producers in some instances, but we rely on the veterinarians who can examine the animals to determine what diagnostic actions need to be taken.” TVMDL always encourages veterinarian involvement, as the veterinarians can best...
March 20-26: National Animal Poison Prevention Week
...ticular source. For more information on Handouts Fumonisin Diagnosing Toxic and Nutritional Conditions Cyanide and Nitrate in Forage Guide for Collecting Liver Samples to Characterize Liver Disease Digital Toxicology Services Case Studies and Articles Testing Services For more information on toxicology testing, visit or call the College Station laboratory at 1.888.646.5623....
Forensic pathology/legal necropsy examinations
...ed for additional testing such as histopathology, microbiological studies, toxicology, etc. Forensic necropsies take several hours to complete. Not every animal death requires a forensic necropsy. Many times, a regular necropsy is sufficient to diagnose the cause of death in animals. TVMDL sees many clients wanting to choose a forensic/legal necropsy option when their animal had a sudden death. Sudden death is defined as unexpected death occurring...
MSMA (monosodium methyl arsenate) is Not for Pasture Use
...weeks is necessary to prevent further exposure. Thanks to its water solubility, the MSMA will be removed from the forage by drenching rain. For more information about this case, contact TVMDL Toxicologist Dr. Cat Barr. To learn more about TVMDL’s toxicology test offerings, visit or call the College Station laboratory at 1.888.646.5623....
Blackland Income Growth organization visits TVMDL
...g sections where they were given an overview of each section’s primary testing services by TVMDL Veterinary Diagnostician Dr. Guy Sheppard and viewed commonly submitted samples and received an overview of TVMDL’s toxicology services from Toxicologist Dr. Cat Barr. For more information about visiting TVMDL, visit or call one of the agency’s full service laboratories in College Station or Canyon....
Travis Mays, MS, PhD
...nd routine diagnostic testing such as the Equine Pre-Purchase Drug Screen. He is also knowledgeable and trained to provide information related to mycotoxins, toxicities associated with forages and grasses, poisons and many other toxicology-related questions. He also serves as a subject matter expert in microscopic identification of toxic plants in GI contents. He is the Analytical Chemistry Section Head, a section that comprises drug testing and t...
TVMDL Sections
The Analytical Chemistry Section encompasses toxicology and drug testing. In this section, specimens are analyzed to diagnose poisonings and toxins. Specimens analyzed may include animal tissues, ingesta, blood, urine, plants, feed, hay, water, baits, fertilizer, etc. Staff can also identify poisonous plants and nutritional deficiencies of trace metals and vitamins. This section also identify drugs that may have caused or covered up a health cond...
Bromethalin poisoning in a feline
...y Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for histopathologic evaluation and toxicology testing. Following a negative rabies test, a portion of fixed brain was examined and the white matter of the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem were found to exhibit moderate diffuse spongiosis. White matter spongiosis with no inflammatory response is the central nervous system lesion associated with bromethalin intoxication. No significant microscopic lesions we...
TVMDL Mobile app
...bmission process with abbreviated submission form. Save clinic and contact information to allow for fast submission of each new sample. Quick results allow for rapid clinical intervention and treatment. Digital Toxicology submission: Submit images of potentially toxic plants, mushrooms, baits, and other substances Easy submission process with abbreviated submission form Removes hassle of shipping forages...
Nitrate toxicity in a herd of cattle, serum and water. In this case, ocular fluid and serum were sent to the toxicology lab for testing. Both were strongly positive. This coupled with gross necropsy findings provided a rapid diagnosis of nitrate toxicity. It was later learned that the check valve that prevents the fertilizer from entering into the irrigation system was faulty. This allowed the cattle to be unintentionally exposed to high levels of nitrates from the fertilizer. Sou...
Chlorinated hydrocarbon and arsenic poisoning in cattle
...ecropsy. Rumen content and fresh liver were collected and submitted to the toxicology section for chemical analysis. A comprehensive metals profile was performed on the fresh liver using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A toxic amount of arsenic (77.66 micrograms per gram dry weight) was measured in the liver by ICP-MS. Further testing to identify the source of the arsenic (organic vs. inorganic) was not pursued. A toxic chem...
Disease Surveillance
...CVM) with large-scale investigations of CVM-regulated products, such as animal feed or drugs. Our Commitment to Vet-LIRN TVMDL is committed to offering an additional level of extensive subject matter expertise and physical capabilities in toxicology, pathology, and microbiology to Vet-LIRN. TVMDL serves as a reference center for other state laboratories for some relevant tests therefore our addition to the Vet-LIRN actually means surveillance incr...
Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle
...testing services, visit or call 1.888.646.5623. Reference: Nicholson, SS. Nitrate and nitrite accumulating plants. Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and clinical principles. 2007, 876-879....
Coffee Senna Poisoning in Cattle calf. Microscopic examination of the rumen content was performed by the toxicology section at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station. Coffee senna seed pod fragments and leaf material was observed in the rumen content from both calves. No evidence of consumption of nightshade or cocklebur was observed in either animal. Histopathology was performed on fixed tissues, including skeletal muscle, liver, kid...
Salt Toxicity in Broilers
...s of vacuolation in the cerebellar white matter and cerebrum (see Fig. 1). Toxicology analysis on five brain samples revealed high levels of sodium in all of them, with a range from 8,810 ppm to 14,300 ppm. Sodium levels above 7,600 ppm in the brain of chickens are considered toxic. For more information on this case, contact Center Resident Director Dr. Senties-Cue. To learn more about TVMDL’s test offerings, visit or call 1.888.646...
TVMDL joins Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network
...t-LIRN its extensive subject matter expertise and physical capabilities in toxicology, pathology, and microbiology along with one of the largest caseload volumes in the nation,” Akey said. “TVMDL serves as a reference center for other state laboratories for some relevant tests therefore its addition to the Vet-LIRN actually means surveillance increases not just for one state, but many.” In addition to furthering TVMDL’s impact, joining Vet-LIRN wi...
Cyanobacteria: No winter break this year
...first step is always to decontaminate. For more information about TVMDL’s toxicology services, visit or call the College Station laboratory at 1.888.646.5623. Figure 1. Blue-green algae sample undisturbed. Figure 2. Blue-green algae sample after being disturbed. Figure 3. Photomicrograph depicting microcystis in submitted water sample. Figure 4. Photomicrograph depicting microcystis colonies in submitted water sample. Enlarged 200x...
Arsenic toxicosis in two calves
...myocardial sarcocysts. The remaining organs were relatively unremarkable. Toxicology testing determined the ocular fluid was negative for nitrate/nitrite and the rumen content did not contain detectable organic pesticides by GC/MS. A metal & mineral panel performed on the liver found an arsenic concentration of 109.74 µg/g on a dry weight basis. Bovine liver arsenic concentrations are normally below 2 µg/g dry weight, and concentrations over 8 µg...
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Toxicity in a mature brangus cow
....” Merck Manual, Merck & Co., Inc., October 2013, Joaquín Tamariz, et al. The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology, Volume 80; Hans-Joachim Knölker, editor. 2018. Pgs. 1-314. Cullen, J.M., & Stalker, M.J. (2016). Liver and Biliary system. In M.G. Maxie (Ed.), Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s pathology of domestic animals (6th ed., pp. 336-338). St. Louis,...
Strychnine detected in a puppy
...strychnine test visit or call 1.888.646.5623. References: 1 Gupta, Ramesh C. “Non-anticoagulant rodenticides: Strychnine.” Veterinary Toxicology, edited by Ramesh C. Gupta, Elsevier Inc., 2007, pp. 548-550....
Five employees honored with Director’s Excellence Awards
...osario, Poultry Programs Administrator | College Station Bailey Schulz, Administrative Coordinator | College Station Professional Dr. Guy Sheppard, Veterinary Diagnostician | College Station Technical Malerie Larson, Toxicology Technician | College Station Student Sydney Buckner, Necropsy Student Assistant | Canyon Learn more about TVMDL by visiting or calling one of the agency’s four laboratory locations....
Know your pasture! Lantana poisoning in a group of steers
...zation and edema. All of this pointed toward a secondary photosensitization. Fragments of Lantana camara were found in the rumen content, and the plant was later found in the pasture. To learn more about this case, contact Dr. Cat Barr, Veterinary Toxicologist at the College Station lab. For more information on TVMDL’s test catalog, visit Photomicrograph depicting bile ductule proliferation. Swollen hepatocytes with pale cytoplasm....
Burn-pile leads to arsenic poisoning
...ressing or becomes aggressive could be lead poisoned. Whole blood (EDTA) is the best sample to submit for diagnostic testing. To learn more about this case, contact Dr. Cat Barr, Veterinary Toxicologist at the College Station laboratory. For more information about TVMDL’s test catalog and services, visit or call 1.888.646.5623....
Strongylus vulgaris associated with liver damage and neurologic symptoms in a gelding
...o hepatic encephalopathy. Since only fixed tissues were submitted, further toxicologic testing could not be pursued. Of ancillary interest in this case was the finding of cranial mesenteric arteritis with the nematode Strongylus vulgaris embedded in the lesion. According to the AAEP parasite control guidelines, the commonly used strategies for control of gastrointestinal parasites in adult horses are based on concepts that are more than 40 years o...
Coffee senna linked to cattle deaths in Texas
...this case, contact Veterinary Diagnostician Dr. Guy Sheppard or Veterinary Toxicologist Dr. Cat Barr. Visit or call 1.888.646.5623 for more information on TVMDL’ test offerings. Reference Welborn, M.G. (2008). Anthrax. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant. S. R. R. Haskell. Ames, IA, Wiley-Blackwell: 826-827 Figure 1. In recent cases of coffee senna poisoning, diagnosis was made by identifying plant materials in rume...
Sodium (FAAS) [Referral]
Measurement of sodium by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS).
Urolith Composition (FTIR)
Determination of the chemical composition of uroliths by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.
Ethylene Glycol (GC/MS)
Detection of ethylene glycol by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Glycolic Acid (GC/MS)
Detection of glycolic acid, the primary metabolite of ethylene glycol, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Herbicide (GC/MS)
Detection of a variety of herbicides by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Petroleum (GC/MS)
Detection of petroleum hydrocarbons by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Anticoagulant Rodenticides (LC/MS)
Measurement of anticoagulant rodenticides by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Targets include warfarin, bromadiolone, brodifacoum, diphacinone, chlorophacinone, coumatetralyl, difenacoum, difethialone, coumachlor, and dicoumarol.
Carbamate Insecticides (LC/MS)
Detection of carbamate insecticides by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Targets include aldicarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl, and oxamyl.
Ionophores (LC/MS)
Detection and quantitation of a variety of ionophore compounds by liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry.
Targets include monensin, salinomycin, narasin and lasalocid.For feeds and feed additives, target compound and expected value are required before testing can begin.
Beetle Identification (Microscopy)
Identification of toxic blister beetles by microscopic examination.
Plant Identification
Identification of both toxic and non-toxic plants.
pH (pH Electrode)
Measurement of pH levels in rumen.
Arsenic – Inorganic (Reinsch)
Detection of arsenic salts by the qualitative Reinsch test. Targets include calcium arsenate, lead arsenate, and lead arsenate.
Chloride (Colorimetric)
Measurement of chloride by colorimetric analysis.
Arsenic (ICP/MS)
Measurement of arsenic by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Bromethalin (LC/MS)
Detection of desmethylbromethalin, the toxic metabolite of bromethalin, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Cadmium (ICP/MS)
Measurement of cadmium by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Cobalt (ICP/MS)
Measurement of cobalt by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Copper (ICP/MS)
Measurement of copper by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Cyanide (Colorimetric)
Detection of cyanide by colorimetric analysis.
Iron – Feed or Tissue (ICP/MS)
Measurement of iron in feed or tissue samples by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $11.25 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Lead (ICP/MS)
Measurement of lead by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Manganese (ICP/MS)
Measurement of manganese by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Metal & Mineral Panel (ICP/MS)
Measurement of metals and minerals by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry.
Targets include manganese, cobalt, copper, iron, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and thallium.A $11.25 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Molybdenum (ICP/MS)
Measurement of molybdenum by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Nitrates – Fluids (Colorimetric)
Measurement of nitrates and nitrites in fluids by colorimetric analysis.
Selenium (ICP/MS)
Measurement of selenium by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Thallium (ICP/MS)
Measurement of thallium by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Trace Mineral Panel (ICP/MS)
Measurement of trace minerals by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. Targets include copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Zinc (ICP/MS)
Measurement of zinc by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Mycotoxin (LC/MS) [Referral]
Mycotoxin screen by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). This screen is for corn, grains, silage, forage, hay, DDGs, soybean meal, dry pet food, and TMR. Mycotoxins tested: Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2, T-2 toxin, Ochratoxin A, and Sterigmatocystin at 20 ppb (0.02 ppm). Fumonisin -B1, -B2, -B3, 15-ADON, 3-ADON, DAS and DON (vomitoxin) at 200 ppb (0.2 ppm). Zearalenone at 100 ppb (0.1 ppm).
Water Analysis – Routine [Referral]
Measurement of ions (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium), sulfates, chloride, pH, conductivity, and total dissolved salts (TDS) in water.
Water Analysis – Routine & Heavy Metals [Referral]
Measurement of ions (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium), sulfates, chloride, pH, conductivity, and total dissolved salts (TDS), as well as metals (zinc, iron, copper, manganese), and heavy metals (arsenic, barium, chromium, cadmium, fluoride, nickel lead) in water.
Water Analysis – Routine & Metals [Referral]
Measurement of ions (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium), sulfates, chloride, pH, conductivity, and total dissolved salts (TDS), and metals (zinc, iron, copper, manganese) in water.
Protein – Hay or Forage [Referral]
Measurement of the total protein content a hay or forage sample.
Bone Marrow Fat [Referral]
Measurement of the percent bone marrow fat to assess the nutritional status of an individual animal. Recommended for diagnosis of malnutrition / starvation.
Avermectins (LC/MS)
Measurement of avermectins, including abamectin, doramectin, eprinomectin, ivermectin, moxidectin and selamectin, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Pesticide Screen (GC/MS)
Detection and identification of a variety of chemicals including organophosphates, organochlorines, carbamates, industrial pollutants, polycyclic aromatics, aliphatic hydrocarbons, miscellaneous pesticides, some natural products and some drugs using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Samples are screened using multiple instrument libraries containing mass spectra for thousands of compounds. Positive identification of a suspect sample is made by comparing sample mass spectra with that of a certified reference standard.
Toxin Quantitation (GC/MS)
Follow up test for TVMDL’s toxin screens to provide quantitation for carbamates, cantharidin, ethylene glycol, glycolic acid, or metaldehyde. Measurement is performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Drug Screen – Cannabinoids (LC/MS)
Detection of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), their major metabolites, and a variety of synthetic cannabinoids by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Glyphosate (GC/MS)
Detection of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS).
Strychnine (LC/MS)
Qualitative detection of strychnine using liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).
Cantharidin (LC/MS)
Detection of cantharidin, the toxic chemical produced by blister beetles, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to feed samples.
Heavy Metal Panel – Avian (ICP/MS)
Measurement of heavy metals by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. Targets for avian samples include lead, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, and thallium. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue specimens.
Heavy Metal Panel – Mammalian (ICP/MS)
Measurement of heavy metals by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. Targets for mammalian species include lead, arsenic, cadmium, and thallium. If zinc testing is desired, please see Metal & Mineral Panel. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue specimens.
Heavy Metal Panel – Non-Animal (ICP/MS)
Measurement of heavy metals by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. Targets for feed samples include lead, arsenic, cadmium, and thallium. A $11.25 sample preparation fee will be added to feed specimens.
Feed Tag Test (Proximate Analysis) [Referral]
Measurement of nutritional components in feed to include moisture, dry matter, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, ash, calculated total digestible nutrients (TDN), net energy for maintenance (NEm), net energy for gain (NEg), and net energy intake (NEl).
Vitamin A – Serum [Referral]
Measurement of Vitamin A in serum samples.
Vitamin A – Tissue [Referral]
Measurement of Vitamin A in liver samples.
Vitamin E – Serum or CSF [Referral]
Measurement of Vitamin E in serum or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Possible Wilted Maple Poisoning in Mare of wilted maple poisoning in horses could occur wherever maple trees are damaged. Owners should be aware of such trees on their properties. To learn more about this case, contact Dr. Cat Barr, diagnostic toxicologist. For more information about TVMDL’s test offerings, visit or call 1.888.646.5623. Figure 1. Wilted maple leaf tree. Figure 2. Example of wilted maple leaves. ...
Dogs will eat anything, won’t they?
...ownfall. For more information about this case, contact Dr. Cat Barr, TVMDL toxicologist, at 1.888.646.5623. To learn more about TVMDL’s test offerings, visit or call one of our four laboratories. References Walter SL, 2002: Acute penitrem A and roquefortine poisoning in a dog. Can Vet J 45(5):372-374. Young KL, Villar D, Carson TL, et al., 2003: Tremorgenic mycotoxin intoxication with penitrem A and roquefortine in two dogs. J Am Ve...
TVMDL group authors article for Texas Equine Veterinary Association
...ropsy Assistant Section Head Pam Ferro, PhD, Molecular Diagnostics Section Head Sonia Lingsweiler, Bacteriology Assistant Section Head Melanie Landis, DVM, MBA, Microbiology Veterinary Diagnostician Cat Barr, PhD, ABT, Veterinary Toxicologist Travis Mays, MS, PhD, Analytical Chemistry Section Head Carlos Rodriguez, Serology Assistant Section Head Narayan Paul, DVM, MS, PhD, Bacteriology Section Head To view this article, visit or...
Review the range: Cattle and horse owners encouraged to be aware of potentially toxic plants
...ants that cause toxicity in cattle and horses? Cat Barr, PhD, DABT, is the toxicologist for the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory(TVMDL). Each year, she works with animal owners from across Texas who need assistance identifying potentially toxic plants. Although Texas offers a variety of plant life, there are several common plants that grow across different regions of the state. For example, cocklebur seedlings (Xanthium strumariu...
Three TVMDL professionals present at Southwest Veterinary Symposium
...for representing the agency at this year’s SWVS. Dr. Cat Barr, Veterinary Toxicologist Feed-Associated Toxin and Nutritional Testing, Ruminant Focus Frequent Plant Poisonings, Ruminant Focus Mindy Borst, Clinical Pathology Assistant Section Head Proper Parasitology Procedures Is it a Parasite? Common Parasites, Pseudoparasites, and Missed Diagnoses in Small Animals Is it a Parasite? Common Parasites, Pseudoparasites, and Missed Diagnoses in Large...
Vitamin E – Tissue [Referral]
Measurement of Vitamin E in liver samples.