Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory

Serving Texas And The World With State-of-the-art Veterinary Diagnostic Services

technician with purple gloves and white lab coat pipetting samples into tubes

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TVMDL is actively monitoring Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus cases in Texas. View our disease dashboard to see impacted Texas counties.

herd of brown horses eating grass in field

The College Station and Canyon laboratories offer sample drop off areas available to clients 24/7/365. The temperature-controlled, secure storage units are checked each business day to ensure samples dropped off after hours are processed quickly. These labs also accept after hours necropsy deliveries. For large animals, advance notice is required to ensure a staff member is ready to assist you.

TVMDL is not a veterinary hospital. For veterinary emergencies, contact your local veterinarian or the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

door with TVMDL logo and sample drop off hours

Are you ready to serve Texas poultry flocks? TVMDL administers the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid (PT) Program through privately trained Authorized Testers.

Four employees from across the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) have been recognized with a 2024 Eugster Award. Formerly named the Director’s Excellence Award, TVMDL renamed its award program to honor Dr. A. Konrad Eugster, TVMDL’s former executive director who served the agency for more than 30 years. Dr. Eugster was the embodiment […]
man in gray shirt accepting award plaque from women in maroon vest and white shirt.