The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) now adds a validation QR code to all Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), Trichomoniasis, Piroplasmosis, and regulatory Brucellosis report forms delivered electronically. This will allow quick and easy verification that a client’s copy matches the original record in our system. All EIA, Trichomoniasis, Piroplasmosis, and regulatory Brucellosis reports can be validated using any QR scanner app on a smartphone or Internet-connected tablet.
A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is a two-dimensional barcode that is readable by smartphones. QR codes are unique, like fingerprints, and the code on your form will link directly to your original record in our system.
Here’s how:
- Using a smartphone or tablet, download a QR scanner app. IPhone users have the ability to scan QR codes using their camera, without the use of a separate QR scanner app. View the video tutorial below to learn how to use this method of QR scanning.
- Scan the QR code at the top, left corner of the page.
- Once scanned, a TVMDL branded original EIA report will be displayed.
- Compare the copy displayed on your phone with the printed report for verification.
For a quick reference on how to use this process, print out the instruction card or watch the short tutorials below. Print out TVMDL’s example EIA form to test your preferred method of QR scanning.
Scanning QR Codes with iPhone’s Camera
Installing a QR Scanner App and Scanning a QR Code
- There are two QR codes on my EIA report. Which one do I use?
- It’s possible your report may have two QR codes. One code is used for internal purposes while the other code is used for client verification. The verification code will always be in the top, left corner of the report.
- My iPhone camera does not scan QR codes.
- Most iPhones’ default settings allow cameras to scan QR codes. However, it’s still possible you may have to adjust your camera’s setting to enable this ability. Go to the Settings app > scroll down to the “Camera” option > and toggle on the “Scan QR Codes” option.
- I am accessing my iPhone’s camera without unlocking my phone and the form is not displayed after scanning the QR code.
- iPhone’s camera app will only scan QR codes when the phone is unlocked. Enter the passcode or password for your phone, open the camera app, and try rescanning the QR code.
- I am trying to use a tablet, but the QR code doesn’t redirect me to an EIA report.
- Tablets must be connected to the Internet in order for this process to work. Connect your tablet to a wireless or hot spot Internet connection.
- Can I scan QR codes with my smartphone if I don’t have cellular service?
- No. You must be in an area with sufficient cellular service in order for this process to work properly.