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Cantharidin (LC/MS)


Detection of cantharidin, the toxic chemical produced by blister beetles, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.  A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to feed samples. 

SectionAnalytical Chemistry
SpeciesBovine, Camelid, Caprine, Cervid, Equine, Ovine, Porcine

One or more of the following: 

  • 500 g GI content (incl. solid material)
  • 500 g feed
  • 5 mL urine
  • 5 mL serum
Sampling Requirements


Collection Container

GI contents or feed: sealed, leak-proof plastic bag or container.  A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to feed samples. 

Serum: glass or plastic tube with no anticoagulant additives. 

Urine: leak-proof plastic container.

Packing Instructions

Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs.

Special Instructions

A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to feed samples. 

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