Cytologic evaluation of bone marrow aspirates and microscopic evaluation by a clinical pathologist.
All of the following: bone marrow in EDTA, 1 mL peripheral blood in EDTA, air-dried slides. Submission of a fresh peripheral blood smear is also recommended.
Cytologic evaluation of body fluid samples. Includes gross examination, total protein concentration, cell counts (where indicated and with EDTA and non-flocculent samples), preparation of direct, concentrated and cytocentrifuge slides (where indicated), and microscopic evaluation by a clinical pathologist.
Measurement of drugs in samples that have been determined to be positive by other TVMDL tests. Measurement performed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS).
One or more of the following:
5 mL serum
10 mL urine
50 g liver or GI content, medication, livestock feed, pet food
Detection of anabolic steroids by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Targets include boldenone, nandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone, and trenbolone.