College Station and Canyon labs will be closed Thursday, November 28. Center and Gonzales labs will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29. Please ship samples with these hours in mind.
About this Test
Detection of antibodies to avian influenza virus in serum by ELISA in chicken, turkeys, ducks, ostriches, and geese.
0.5 mL serum
Detection of antibodies to avian influenza virus in yolk by AGID.
Fresh egg or yolk
Detection of antibodies to avian influenza virus in yolk by ELISA in chicken, turkeys, ducks, ostriches, and geese.
Detection of antibodies to avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) by ELISA.
Detection of avian metapneumovirus types A, B, and C by rtPCR.
One or more of the following:
Detection of avian metapneumovirus type A by rtPCR.
Detection of avian metapneumovirus type B by rtPCR.
Detection of avian metapneumovirus type C by rtPCR.
Detection of avian paramyxovirus type 1 by real time PCR.
Confirmation/identification of avian reovirus in suspect viral isolates by PCR.
Viral isolate