Serology Testing in Non-Commercial Birds from Texas, 2019-2024 Carlos Rodriguez, Epidemiology and Informatics Manager In addition to managing two of the state’s poultry health programs, TVMDL helps keep Texas’ birds healthy through dedicated … [Read more...] about Serology Testing in Non-Commercial Birds from Texas, 2019-2024
Poultry programs available to flock owners
Poultry programs available to flock owners Sydney Rosario, Poultry Programs Administrator TVMDL manages two poultry programs. The Texas Pullorum-Typhoid (PT) Program’s mission is to control and eradicate pullorum disease (Salmonella pullorum) and … [Read more...] about Poultry programs available to flock owners
Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis (Visceral Larval Migrans) in Birds
Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis (Visceral Larval Migrans) in Birds Martin Ficken, DVM, PhD, ACPV Nematodes of the genus Baylisascaris are recognized as causes of avian cerebral nematodiasis. Baylisascaris columnaris, the ascarid of skunks and … [Read more...] about Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis (Visceral Larval Migrans) in Birds
Dimitrov contributes three articles to avian diagnostic literature
Kiril Dimitrov, DVM, PhD, virology section head, was part of three groups that recently published journal articles covering avian topics. The first article covers the discovery of a novel picornavirus associated with Runting and Stunting Syndrome … [Read more...] about Dimitrov contributes three articles to avian diagnostic literature
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) infection in meat type chickens
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) infection in meat type chickens Gabriel Senties-Cue, MVZ, EPAA, MS Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) infection was diagnosed in a flock of 113-day-old, brown feathered, meat type, chickens. Ten live birds were submitted to the … [Read more...] about Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) infection in meat type chickens
Histomoniasis (Blackhead) in birds
Histomoniasis (Blackhead) in birds Martin Ficken, DVM, PhD The causative agent of histomoniasis is a protozoan parasite Histomonas meleagridis. Numerous gallinaceous birds are affected by this parasite including turkeys, chickens, chukar … [Read more...] about Histomoniasis (Blackhead) in birds
“Hardware Disease” in Backyard Chickens
“Hardware Disease” in Backyard Chickens Martin Ficken, DVM, PhD “Hardware disease” in backyard chickens and other birds is caused by the ingestion of metal objects present in their environment. These objects range from sharp objects that … [Read more...] about “Hardware Disease” in Backyard Chickens
Infectious laryngotracheitis diagnosed in laying chicken
Infectious laryngotracheitis diagnosed in laying chicken By Martin D. Ficken, DVM, PhD, DACVP, DACPV With over 800,000 tests run annually, TVMDL encounters many challenging cases. Our case study series will highlight these interesting cases to … [Read more...] about Infectious laryngotracheitis diagnosed in laying chicken