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Listeria monocytogenes (PCR) [Referral]


Referral tests are not performed at TVMDL; a processing and shipping fee will apply.

Detection of Listeria bacteria by PCR. 

SectionMolecular Diagnostics
SpeciesBovine, Canine, Caprine, Feline, Ovine

One of the following: 

  • 5 g brain or fetal tissue
  • 2.0 mL EDTA whole blood
  • 2.0 mL CSF
  • 50 mL ruminant milk
  • 10 mL small animal milk
Sampling Requirements

Neurologic listeriosis is not typically associated with a bacteremia. CNS infection is believed to and has been shown to result from localized entry of the bacteria via defects in the oral mucosa, with initial entry into the CNS via the trigeminal nerve. A systemic or bacteremic phase is not usually associated with this process.  CSF or brain would be required to identify neurolisteriosis in most cases.Blood can be a good sample in monogastrics and neonates with septicemia. Placenta and fetal tissues are appropriate specimens in abortions cases.

This test is not appropriate for food safety testing for listeria on milk or other foods.  Milk samples submitted for testing should be related to clinical investigations.

Collection Container

Blood: EDTA (purple top) tube. 

Semen: leak-proof tubes or straws. 

Tissue: sealed, leak-proof plastic bag or container.

Packing Instructions

Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs. 

Special Instructions

This test is performed at the Cornell University Animal Health Diagnostic Center in Ithaca, NY. Prices listed for tests performed outside TVMDL may not include referral lab accession fees and are subject to change without notice. A processing and shipping fee is added to all referral tests. Turnaround times vary depending on shipping time and the referral lab’s schedule.

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