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Infectious Bronchitis Virus (rtPCR)


Detection of Infectious Bronchitis Virus by real-time RT-PCR.  Serotyping available, please refer to special instructions below for details.

SectionMolecular Diagnostics

One or more of the following:

  • viral isolate
  • trachea
  • cecal tonsil
  • tracheal swabs
  • oropharyngeal swabs
Sampling Requirements

Collect tissues aseptically and place in leakproof container/bag.Moist swabs are preferred; it is recommended to collect swabs in BHI or add 3-4 drops of sterile saline to the swab and place in a sterile, leak-proof container (e.g. red top tube). Bacterial culture swabs submitted in bacterial culture media (gel, charcoal, etc.) are not suitable for PCR testing.

Collection Container

Sealed, leak-proof plastic bag or container.

Packing Instructions

Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs in an insulated container.

Special Instructions

Samples positive by Infectious Bronchitis Virus can be further characterized by real-time RT-PCR for the following serotypes:

  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Type Arkansas (1615) 
  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Type Connecticut (1616)
  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Type DE072/GA98 (1617)
  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Type DMV1639 (1618)
  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Type GA08 (1619)
  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Type Massachusetts (1620)
  • Infectious Bronchitis Virus Panel (All 6 serotypes) (1621)

Individual Types are $21 each; the Typing Panel is $94.50. 

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