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Equine Granulosa Cell Tumor Panel II [Referral]


Referral tests are not performed at TVMDL; a processing and shipping fee will apply.

Detection of anti-mullerian hormone, inhibin, and testosterone. 

SectionClinical Pathology

3 mL serum

Sampling Requirements

Overnight fasting recommended to avoid lipemia. Serum separator tubes may falsely elevate AMH results. AMH is stable at refrigerator temperatures for 24 hours; for longer storage, freezing is recommended.

Collection Container

Remove from red cells and place sample in an additive free transport tube.

Packing Instructions

Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs or dry ice.

Special Instructions

This test is performed at the Clinical Endocrinology Laboratory of the University of California at Davis. Prices listed for tests performed outside TVMDL may not include referral lab accession fees and are subject to change without notice. A processing and shipping fee is added to all referral tests. Turnaround times vary depending on shipping time and the referral lab’s schedule.

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