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Respiratory Disease Panel – Feline (PCR)


Detection of pathogens commonly attributed to respiratory disease in felines; includes bordetella bronchiseptica, feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, influenza A, Chlamydophila spp., and Mycoplasma spp., all by real time PCR.

SectionMolecular Diagnostics

One or more of the following: 

  • conjunctival swab
  • nasal swab
  • pharyngeal swab
  • 1 g fresh respiratory tissue
Sampling Requirements

Moist swabs are preferred; it its recommended to add 1-2 drops of sterile saline to the swab and place in a sterile, leak-proof container (e.g. red top tube). Bacterial culture swabs submitted in bacterial culture media (gel, charcoal, etc.) are not suitable for PCR testing. Fresh samples provide the most accurate results. 

Collection Container

Sealed, leak-proof plastic bag or container.

Packing Instructions

Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs in an insulated container.

Special Instructions

Samples from different anatomical locations of the same animal will be tested and charged separately unless instructed to pool on the submission form.

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