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Borrelia spp. (rtPCR)


Detection of Borrelia species, including B. burgdorferi, B. hermsii, B. parkeri, and B. turicatae by real time PCR. 

Lyme Borreliosis (Borrelia burgdorferi) DNA is not typically detected in peripheral blood, even when Lyme disease is the cause of clinical signs. 

This PCR for Borrelia species is offered for the detection of Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever Borrelia spp. and for identification of Borrelia burgdorferi in ticks, tissues, and body fluids (joint fluids, CSF, etc.).

SectionMolecular Diagnostics
SpeciesCanine, Equine

0.5 – 2 mL EDTA whole blood or tick(s)

Sampling Requirements

Blood in heparin (green top) tube cannot be used for this test. Ensure thorough mixing of blood in EDTA (e.g. invert tube several times immediately following collection) to prevent clotting. Clotted blood is not suitable for testing. Fresh samples provide the most accurate results.

Collection Container

Blood: EDTA (purple top) tube. Ticks: glass or plastic tube. Ticks may be stored in ethanol; isopropyl is not acceptable.

Packing Instructions

Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs in an insulated container.

Special Instructions

TVMDL can only test parasites found on animals.  Testing for parasites from humans is performed by the Texas Department of State Health Services.

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