In-Pouch vs PBS for trichomonas testing in bulls
Guy Sheppard, DVM
Over two years ago, the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) approved the direct smegma sample submitted in PBS solution as an acceptable testing method for Trichomoniasis (Trich). This method quickly became a popular method among Texas veterinarians.
There are several advantages that the PBS method has over the InPouch method, For example, there is no expiration date on the PBS product and PBS solution can be purchased in generous volumes at a relatively low price. Samples submitted in PBS also do not require incubation prior to running the PCR test, reducing turn around time for results by up to two days.
As with almost everything, there are some possible disadvantages associated with the PBS test. Samples in PBS cannot be pooled, and culture for Trich is not an option for these samples.
For a comprehensive guide to TVMDL’s Trich testing options, view this printable document. As a reminder, all bulls tested for Trich must be officially identified at the time the initial test sample is collected and the official identification must be recorded on TAHC’s approved test document prior to sample submission. This completed document must accompany all Trich samples submitted to TVMDL for testing.
For more information about the Texas Trichomoniasis Program, view this TAHC resource document.
To learn more about TVMDL’s Trich testing options or submission guidelines, visit or call the College Station laboratory at 1.888.646.5623 or the Amarillo laboratory at 1.888.646.5624.