Coccidiosis in Broiler Breeders
By Gabriel Senties-Cue, MVZ, EPAA, MS, TVMDL Center Resident Director
Severe coccidiosis was diagnosed in a 22-week-old, broiler breeder flock. Three dead birds were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in Center for examination. The birds were submitted with a clinical history of sudden increase in mortality. At necropsy, the birds had moderately dilated and flaccid jejunum and ileum, with their mucosae mostly sloughed and exhibiting either tan-greenish or reddish discolorations. Large numbers of coccidia were detected by the wet mount technique on several affected intestinal segments. The histopathological examination of jejunum and ileum sections revealed severe necrotizing enteritis associated with large numbers of coccidia at different stages (Figure 1). Coccidiosis can be prevented by using anticoccidial compounds in the feed or vaccination.
For more information about this case, contact Dr. Senties-Cue, TVMDL Center Resident Director. To learn more about testing options, visit or call one of TVMDL’s four laboratories.