Detection of E. coli toxin and virulence genes commonly associated with pathogenic strains of E. coli: F4/K88 fimbrial adhesins, F5/K99, F6/987P, and F18 fimbrial adhesins and LT enterotoxin in E. coli isolates by real-time PCR (rtPCR).
Starting April 29, the USDA requires lactating dairy cows to be tested for HPAI prior to movement.
View TVMDL’s guidelines to mitigate potential delays when submitting dairy samples for movement testing.
Detection of E. coli toxin and virulence genes commonly associated with pathogenic strains of E. coli: F4/K88 fimbrial adhesins, F5/K99, F6/987P, and F18 fimbrial adhesins and LT enterotoxin in E. coli isolates by real-time PCR (rtPCR).