Abomasal Worm Count [Referral]
Description | Quantitative and concentration technique to detect and determine worm burdens in the abomasum and intestines of livestock and other ungulates. |
Code | 8119 |
Section | Clinical Pathology |
Species | Bovine, Caprine, Cervid, Exotic, Ovine |
Specimen | Submit the entire abomasum (compartment four) and contents. Submissions of partial organs or only contents will result in inaccurate counts. |
Sampling Requirements | Express air from the bag to maintain moistness. Eggs can hatch in fecal samples that are allowed to warm. |
Collection Container | Sealed, leak-proof plastic bag with excess air expressed from the bag. |
Packing Instructions | Label all samples. Ship overnight on cold packs. |
Special Instructions | This testing is performed at the Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) in College Station, TX. Prices listed for tests performed outside TVMDL may not include referral lab accession fees and are subject to change without notice. A processing and forwarding fee is added to all referral tests. Turnaround times vary depending on shipping time and the referral lab’s schedule. |
Price | $71.00 |