Drop Off

All TVMDL locations accept sample drop offs during regular business hours. The College Station and Canyon labs offer a sample drop off area accessible to clients 24/7.

Regardless of the method in which a sample arrives at TVMDL, it’s important it’s packaged in a manner that is safe for the submitter and lab staff. All potentially zoonotic samples should be double bagged. The submission form should then be placed in a bag independent of the sample.

Take the Transit Out of Testing

TVMDL accepts walk-in samples at all four locations. Dropping off samples offers clients the advantage of an immediate, secure delivery that ensures a sample’s integrity. Dropped off samples are processed as usual and do not receive rush treatment unless otherwise noted on the submission form. 

Business Hours Drop Offs

TVMDL accepts walk-in samples at all four locations. Client Services staff are available to assist during business. 

  1. Bring the sample to the receiving space. TVMDL personnel will assist with large samples and/or carcasses and are available for questions.
    1. In College Station, do not enter the main lobby with samples. Bring samples to the sample drop off entrance on the north side of the building.
    2. In Canyon, Center, and Gonzales clients may enter through the main entrance and follow the prompts for sample drop off.
  2. Complete a TVMDL Submission Form.
    1. Existing clients: Include your account information.
    2. New clients: Complete a New Client Form.
  3. Ensure all samples are labeled with IDs to match those listed on the TVMDL Submission Form.
  4. Place the sample(s) and form(s) in separate plastic bags.
    1. Place the sealed sample bag in the submission form bag.
  5. Reminder: All potentially zoonotic specimens should be double bagged.
    1. Place the form(s) in a bag independent of the specimen(s).
  6. Place the submission in the storage unit most appropriate for sample temperature requirements.
  7. Ensure the door to the storage unit closes completely.
  8. Samples are collected from the drop off room hourly.

After Hours Drop Offs

The College Station and Canyon labs’ sample drop off areas are open 24/7/365. Each drop off area includes multiple storage options to keep samples temperature-controlled and secure. Client Services staff are not available for assistance after hours.

To leave most samples at TVMDL after business hours:

  1. Complete a TVMDL Submission Form. Submissions forms are available in the drop off areas in both College Station and Canyon.
  2. Ensure all specimens are labeled with animal IDs and client account number(s).
  3. Place the specimen and submittal form in separate plastic bags. Place the sealed submission form bag inside the specimen bag. If the form will not fit, staple or paper clip the two together.
  4. Place the specimen in refrigerated, frozen, or ambient storage based on the specimen’s requirements.
  5. Ensure the door to the storage unit closes completely.

In College Station, samples can be left in the sample drop-off area at the north side of the building. Refrigerated, frozen, and ambient storage options are available. Samples should be stored based on temperature requirements. 

In Canyon, samples can be left in refrigerated storage in the drop off area at the front entrance of the building. Refrigerated and ambient storage options are available. Samples should be stored based on temperature requirements.

There is no charge for submitting small samples in the after-hours drop off area. 

Some small animal carcasses, such as dogs, cats, and most animals weighing under 50 lbs. may fit in the carcass refrigerator located in the sample drop-off room. There is no after-hours charge for specimens submitted in the sample drop-off room.

Larger carcasses or carcasses that cannot fit in the refrigerated storage unit will likely require assistance. If possible, clients are strongly encouraged to call and request assistance 30 minutes prior to arriving at the lab. Please note there is a $131.25 charge for carcasses received after hours that require lab personnel assistance. TVMDL personnel is only available to assist until 10 p.m. After hours necropsy assistance is not available at the Center and Gonzales labs.

College Station: To request assistance, call 979.845.3414 and follow the prompts to be connected to the after-hours employee. Necropsy services are performed Monday-Friday during regular business hours.

Canyon: To request assistance in Canyon, call 806.651.7478 and follow the prompts to be connected the after-hours employee. Necropsy services are performed Monday-Friday during regulator business hours.