• Payton Porubsky has always been interested in cattle. While most kids her age spent their summers enjoying typical pastimes, she was in the pasture honing her cattle clipping and fitting skillset. Today, Porubsky owns and operates Diamond P Services, a show cattle fitting business, while also working full-time as a customer service associate at the […]
  • Armed with giant hacksaws and cheerful attitudes, the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory’s, TVMDL, necropsy team in College Station is devoted to positively impacting human and animal health one dissection at a time. The team is made up of two veterinary technicians, a lab supervisor, and a student worker. Each day, the team can […]
  • One afternoon in the Polish countryside a family and their plow-horse, Kasztan, were strolling along a quiet road. Six-year-old Julie Anna Prusak sat in front of her five-year-old cousin Szczepan, Polish for Stephen, as they rode on the horse’s bare back. With Prusak’s uncle Tadek holding the lead rope, the children were enjoying the ride […]
  • Four employees from across the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) have been recognized with a 2024 Eugster Award. Formerly named the Director’s Excellence Award, TVMDL renamed its award program to honor Dr. A. Konrad Eugster, TVMDL’s former executive director who served the agency for more than 30 years. Dr. Eugster was the embodiment […]