• A term sheep fetus was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for a routine necropsy. The fetus had scoliosis. The skull and maxillae were deviated to the left. There was no intact brain tissue in the cranial vault. In place of the brain there was a thin membranous sac filled with reddish […]
  • Two alligator hatchlings were presented for necropsy to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) from an alligator farm.  The alligator farmer noticed animals in one of his pens had started developing milky looking skin lesions over the beak and the back. The lesions would progress, the animals would stop eating and then ultimately […]
  • An adult, mixed-breed dog was presented to their veterinarian for progressive lethargy, fever, and abdominal distension.  The dog had recently started treatment with prednisone and immunosuppressant medication for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Cytology of abdominal fluid revealed protozoal organisms. Abdominal fluid was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station for Toxoplasma […]
  • Anaplasmosis is a blood cell parasite of cattle with a worldwide distribution, but the disease is most common in tropical and subtropical areas. Anaplasma marginale is the most common organism involved in cattle, and it is transmitted through the bite of Dermacentor spp. ticks or tabanid flies, as well as through the use of blood-contaminated instruments. As a result, […]
  • Education Library Article

    TVMDL maintains two laboratories dedicated to poultry diagnostics, one in Center, Texas and the other in Gonzales, Texas. Veterinarians, with assistance from TVMDL, service the Texas animal health industry by certifying poultry are healthy. With the help of TVMDL, veterinarians can ensure the best and safest sample collection technique when collecting samples from a live-bird. […]
  • A veterinarian was investigating the cause of increased non-respiratory disease mortalities in beef feeder cattle. The cattle were 100-200 days on feed and had signs of systemic compromise before acute death. On necropsy, the animals had advanced autolysis of the peritoneal organs, especially the liver and kidneys, and bladder distention. The bladders contained clotted blood […]
  • Tissue from a cross-bred bovine fetus in the third trimester of gestation was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) to investigate the cause of abortion. According to the history provided by the submitting veterinarian, this animal was the second of two full term fetuses that had been born dead in the […]
  • A veterinarian was called in to investigate the cause of abortion in a group of 60 well-managed 2-year-old brangus heifers. Four heifers aborted before the investigation was initiated. The herd is closed with a reportedly good biosecurity program and good nutrition. All of the animals are well-vaccinated. A fresh mid-term female fetus and fetal tissues […]
  • Bovine thrombotic meningoencephalitis (TEM), formerly known as thromboembolic meningoencephalitis (TEME), is a neurological disease, primarily of feedlot cattle between the ages of 6 to 12 months. The condition is caused by Histophilus somni (previously known as Haemophilus somnus), a Gram-negative opportunistic bacterium that can be cultured very commonly from the respiratory and reproductive tracts of normal cattle. Calves […]
  • TVMDL offers a range of tests to detect bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). BVDV threatens the global cattle industry and negatively impacts producers in the form of decreased or lost productivity.  Despite vaccines and an array of diagnostic tests, this expensive disease continues to impact cattle producers. About 70 to 90% of all infections go […]
  • The body of a 3-month-old goat was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station. This goat had been purchased 3 weeks prior. The goat was euthanized due to sudden onset of neurological signs and was also noted to have a crusty lesion on the lip. Gross necropsy confirmed there […]
  • Education Library Article

    Neonatal calf diarrhea also known as scours is a primary cause of illness and death in young, unweaned calves. Of the several viral, bacterial and protozoal intestinal pathogens associated with calf diarrhea, the most recognized pathogens include Cryptosporidium species, bovine coronavirus and bovine rotavirus group A1. Prevalence of infections by these pathogens varies due to […]
  • The body of a midterm bovine fetus and the attached placenta were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for necropsy and gross examination. Upon examination, the entire fetus and placenta exhibited severe mummification. Tissues of this fetus were submitted to the molecular section for bovine herpesvirus (BHV)-1, BVDV, Leptospira spp. and Neospora caninum rtPCRs. […]
  • Pre-weaning calf diarrhea is a common concern in the beef and dairy industry and the cause may be difficult to determine. This is due to the multifactorial nature of calf diarrhea. Multiple etiologies, both infectious and non-infectious, can result in diarrhea. Disease is caused by an interaction between a host, an agent, and the environment […]
  • Education Library Article

    This assay utilizes rtPCR technology on E. coli isolates recovered from ruminant samples. Samples are recovered by the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) bacteriology section to further characterize the potential of the isolate to be participating in the current patient clinical syndrome.  The significance of the detected genes should be interpreted with the […]
  • A 7-year-old, neutered Labrador Retriever was presented to their veterinarian for acute onset of lethargy, inappetence, and epistaxis. On physical examination, the dog had a mild fever (102.8˚F) and dried blood around the nose. Blood was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for CBC and chemistry panels. The chemistry panel was […]
  • Enterotoxemia, commonly called “overeating disease”, is a common problem in sheep and goats, especially in animals under a year of age. The disease occurs in peracute, acute, and chronic forms. The causative bacterial organism is Clostridium perfringens with types C and D being the most common forms. Type C is said to be seen most commonly in […]
  • The carcass of a male, intact, 92 lbs., 2.5-year-old white-tailed deer (WTD; Odocoileus virginianus) was presented for necropsy at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory’s (TVMDL) College Station laboratory. Three other deer in the same pen had died recently. Clinical signs included heavy breathing, stumbling, grinding of the teeth, coughing, lethargy, and death. At necropsy, […]
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) frequently works on Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) cases. Multiple factors lead to a BRD diagnosis, leading many to refer to the syndrome as Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC). Affected cattle commonly display signs of fever, lethargy, nasal discharge, and coughing. Some of the factors involved in BRDC are stressors […]
  • Education Library Article

    Q: What is G6S, and why should I test for it?Caprine mucopolysaccharidosis-iiid is a lysosomal storage disorder, caused by a genetic mutation (a point mutation) which results in a defective G6S (N-Acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase) enzyme. The only method for testing for this genetic defect is with a DNA test identifying the causative point mutation.  Goats should be […]
  • Hundreds of samples arrive daily at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. Testing accuracy often depends on the submission of the proper specimen for the assay, particularly for molecular diagnostics. With the proper sample, we can perform the assay and provide the most timely and accurate results without delay.  While results […]
  • Hundreds of samples arrive daily at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. Testing accuracy often depends on submission of the proper specimen for the assay, particularly for molecular diagnostics.  To ensure the appropriate sample is submitted for molecular diagnostics at TVMDL, please consult the website for specific details associated with the […]
  • A litter of twelve German Shorthaired Pointer puppies whelped near their due date and included one mummified fetus and two stillborn puppies. One puppy died at one week of age, another died at two weeks of age, and two more were lost at three weeks of age. The remaining puppies had a poor suckle reflex […]
  • Feline herpesvirus is a highly transmissible, viral disease that is very common in cats. This disease is also known as feline viral rhinotracheitis and is included in core feline vaccines. Feline herpesvirus is frequently diagnosed at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). The most common laboratory methods of diagnosis include PCR and histopathology, […]
  • A 12-month-old black and white female laying chicken from a small backyard flock was received for necropsy.  The owner had elected euthanasia of this bird following a clinical exam revealing acute abnormal respiration including open mouth breathing.  Another bird in the flock had similar clinical symptoms and had died.  Following euthanasia and refrigeration, the bird […]
  • Three dogs from the same location were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for necropsy. The three dogs were mixed breed and genetically unrelated. Two of the dogs were 1.5-year-old males and the third was a 3 year-old female. Clinical history was not provided. Necropsy findings were of the same nature […]
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) has seen quite a few cattle testing positive for Johne’s Disease. Clinically affected cattle are usually mature adults that are gradually losing body condition despite having a normal appetite. Chronic watery diarrhea is also usually recognized, but it can be sporadic during the syndrome. The causative organism […]
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) has seen quite a few cattle testing positive for Johne’s Disease in the last several months. Clinically affected cattle are usually mature adults that are gradually losing body condition despite having a normal appetite. Chronic watery diarrhea is also usually recognized, but it can be sporadic during […]
  • A 1-year-old heifer became weak and went off by herself in mid-April.  The heifer was examined by the submitting veterinarian a few days later and was described as being lethargic, having a drooped head, oculonasal discharge, conjunctivitis/scleritis, mild mucosal petechiations, and frank blood in the urine. The heifer was weak and ataxic and would fall down […]
  • Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) infection was diagnosed in a flock of 113-day-old, brown feathered, meat type, chickens. Ten live birds were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in Center, TX with a clinical history of respiratory problems and increased mortality. At the necropsy examination, the birds had tracheas with reddened mucosa and excess […]
  • Mycoplasmosis, caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum and/or M. synoviae, is a group of bacterial diseases that are common maladies of backyard chicken flocks. Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is the most common upper respiratory infection of backyard chicken flocks. The characteristic signs of naturally occurring infections are watery eyes, tracheal rales, nasal discharge, and coughing (Figure 1). Feed consumption is reduced, […]
  • Tissue samples from a three-week old, Charolais mix, male intact calf were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. According to the submitting veterinarian, the animal exhibited acute, non-specific neurological deficits that progressed rapidly. No information was provided regarding whether this animal died naturally or by euthanasia. Tests requested by […]
  • As part of the process for weaning, a group of 400 calves were given a parenteral injection of a mineral preparation. Four calves were unexpectedly found dead within 24 hours following treatment. Due to marked pulmonary congestion, there was a suspicion of acute pneumonia. Fresh and fixed tissues (liver spleen, lung, and kidney) were submitted […]
  • A 13-pound, juvenile, male intact, crossbred pig was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for necropsy and ancillary testing. The animal was described as a piglet and no age was stated on the submission form. The piglet was euthanized by the referring veterinarian for submission to the laboratory. The history indicated […]
  • Two porcine carcasses (carcass #1 and #2) and porcine tissue specimens from two additional pigs (tissues #3 and #4) were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. All four animals were from different premises. Porcine carcass #1 was 4-weeks-old and had a history of respiratory distress and being a “poor […]
  • Strangles is a highly contagious respiratory disease in horses caused by the bacterium Streptococcus equi subspecies equi. Horses of all ages can be affected by the infection, but younger horses are especially vulnerable. Although the mortality rate for strangles is low, the disease can develop into more complicated problems if untreated. In rare cases, the […]
  • Pseudorabies, also known as Aujezsky’s disease, mad itch, and infectious bulbar paralysis, is a highly contagious disease of swine that can also be fatal in domestic species. This past spring, pseudorabies was diagnosed in a group of hog-hunting dogs from southern Texas. Four dogs total were affected. Two were found dead with no clinical signs […]
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) recently diagnosed Q (Query) fever in a 3-week, pre-term aborted goat fetus. The clinical history indicated that four nannies on the same premises aborted during the course of 48 hours. All aborted nannies showed no other clinical signs of disease. During an external examination of one of […]
  • Education Library Article

    Testing for trichomoniasis is performed daily at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). If submitted properly, a sample can be accurately and efficiently tested, and results reported to the submitting veterinarian in a timely manner.  All samples must be incubated 48 hrs (36-38°C) prior to rtPCR testing; please plan accordingly. Clearly indicate on […]
  • Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) offers a variety of testing to assist in working up calf diarrhea cases. The calf diarrhea multiplex PCR—which targets bovine coronavirus, bovina rotavirus A, and Cryptosporidium—has been requested by Texas veterinarians over 1,000 times since 2019. Using TVMDL test results gathered between March 2019 and October 2023, this article […]
  • Education Library Article

    The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) offers timely and accurate diagnostic tests for Tritrichomonas foetus, the parasite that causes bovine trichomoniasis, or trich.  Trich causes abortions and infertility, and unless properly identified with diagnostic testing, can cost the state’s cattle producers millions.  TVMDL employs the most current technology available utilizing real-time polymerase chain […]
  • Anaplasma marginale is a rickettsial bacterium that invades the red blood cells (RBCs) of ruminants, primarily cattle, and is considered the most common tick-borne infection of cattle.  In addition to tick vectors (Dermacentor spp., Rhipicephalus spp.), biting flies and blood-tainted fomites can also transmit this organism.  Anaplasma marginale is typically a clinical disease of adult cattle.  Calves infected with the organisms usually […]
  • The crisp, autumn air settles in after a long and hot Texas summer, but lurking beneath the excitement is the shadowy threat of the canine infectious respiratory disease complex, otherwise known as kennel cough. Cooler temperatures mean an increase in outbreaks as dogs spend more time indoors in close quarters and their immune systems weaken. […]
  • Education Library Article

    Each test description in the online test catalog lists the proper sample submission, including collection container and shipping instructions. Follow the chart below and submit the sample in the correct tube.  Serum Plasma or Whole Blood Zinc Trace Material
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) detected feline calicivirus (FCV) via qPCR in three cats who live in a multi-cat household. All cats had clinical signs consistent with feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) and tested negative for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency viruses. Feline chronic gingivostomatitis is one of the most common clinical diseases […]
  • Three dead and eight live 17-week-old bobwhite quail were presented to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in Gonzales for necropsy with a history of ongoing weight loss and an increase in mortality.  One live bird died prior to examination.  The remaining live birds were mildly depressed. Upon necropsy examination, birds ranged in […]