• A nine-year-old female, spayed dog was presented to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment of a skin infection. The dog was treated with antibiotic and immunosuppressive drugs to resolve the infection. A punch biopsy sample was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station for bacterial and fungal culture. Bacterial […]
  • An adult, mixed-breed dog was presented to their veterinarian for progressive lethargy, fever, and abdominal distension.  The dog had recently started treatment with prednisone and immunosuppressant medication for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Cytology of abdominal fluid revealed protozoal organisms. Abdominal fluid was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station for Toxoplasma […]
  • Too often the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) receives samples where there is a concern for rabies testing but the brain tissue submitted is not suitable for testing by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) in Austin. Usually the problem is an incomplete sample where only half the brain is submitted.  Less commonly, […]
  • Mammary gland tumors are diagnosed on a daily basis at TVMDL. These tumors occur in both canine and feline patients and can be benign (adenomas) or malignant (carcinomas). They are seen most often in intact females. Inflammatory mammary gland carcinoma is a unique entity that occurs infrequently in dogs and is seen in humans as […]
  • Mammary gland tumors are diagnosed on a daily basis at TVMDL. These tumors occur in both canine and feline patients and can be benign (adenomas) or malignant (carcinomas). They are seen most often in intact females. Inflammatory mammary gland carcinoma is a unique entity that occurs infrequently in dogs and is seen in humans as […]
  • Education Library Article

    Click to Skip Tips for Collecting Needle and Core Bone Biopsy | Tips for Submitting and Entire Leg | Clinical History Submitting samples of bone for histopathological analysis is essential to definitively diagnose most primary bone diseases (e.g., osteosarcoma). However, collecting representative bone biopsy specimens and their histopathological interpretations presents several challenges for the clinician […]
  • Education Library Article

    Click to Skip: Bone Marrow Aspirate Procedure | Bone Marrow Core Biopsy Procedure Bone marrow testing is used to diagnose and monitor bone marrow diseases and CBC abnormalities. Full evaluation of bone marrow requires a CBC the day of the bone marrow collection, bone marrow aspiration, and a bone marrow core biopsy.  Indications for bone […]
  • A 13-year-old, neutered male, Miniature Dachshund cross breed dog presented for a firm, 3 cm growth on the 5thrib.   The mass was aspirated and submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for cytology examination. Results indicated that this mass was a neoplasm highly suggestive of a sarcoma. Malignant bone tumors are common […]
  • A serum sample from a 1-year-old, male, American Staffordshire terrier was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station for Brucella canis testing by the rapid slide agglutination test (RSAT – i.e. the card test). The medical history indicated the dog was febrile with a swollen left testicle and epididymis, slightly enlarged prostate, […]
  • Slides from an aspirate of a mass on the left elbow of a two-year-old, intact male German Shepherd dog were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for examination.  The slides had moderate numbers of macrophages, few multi-nucleated cells and neutrophils, and a large amount of brown staining material (mineralization).  There were […]
  • A one-year-old, female-spayed, mix breed dog required a mid-shaft, hind leg amputation after a femoral fracture. Following the amputation, the owner and veterinarian noted marked callus formation with draining tracts on the lateral aspect of the right leg (Figure 1). Radiographs performed almost a month after the amputation demonstrated a marked amount of bony proliferation […]
  • Case Study

    An 11-year-old Corgi mix was presented to the veterinarian with intermittent diarrhea and inappetence. History noted the dog had clinical signs of gastrointestinal (GI) disease for the past few months, was current on vaccinations and was fed a raw food diet. A fecal sample was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) […]
  • Canine hepatozoonosis is a debilitating, tick-borne disease caused by Hepatozoon americanum, a protozoal parasite transmitted by the Gulf coast tick (Amblyomma maculatum). Affected dogs may have waxing and waning clinical signs and typically present with a fever, weakness, and reluctance to move. Other clinical signs can include muscle atrophy, weight loss, and mucopurulent ocular discharge. Late […]
  • A 13-year-old female spayed Beagle was presented to its veterinarian for increased urination. On physical exam, the veterinarian noted a pot-bellied appearance and thinning hair coat. A minimum data base (CBC, Chemistry, and urinalysis) was performed in-house and revealed only a markedly increased ALKP activity, low lymphocyte count, and a low urine specific gravity (specific […]
  • Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) barely take a break in warm winters. The most frequently observed blue-green algae that cause blooms in the greater Brazos Valley area are Microcystis sp., Oscillatoria sp., and Anabaena sp. These species all tend to produce microcystins, which are hepatotoxic to all species. In a recent case, clinical history noted a group of dogs playing in a pond thick with Microcystis colonies […]
  • Education Library Article

    The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) offers digital cytology to account-holding clients. Digital cytology provides rapid evaluation of photos taken with microscope cameras or smart phones. This service provides an official report and cytologic interpretation, typically within one hour of submission (during business hours). To enhance this service, submission of glass slides for […]
  • Education Library Article

    The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) offers digital toxicology to account-holding clients. Digital toxicology provides evaluation of photos taken with smart phones, or other digital cameras, and an official report identifying items photographed (where possible) including an attachment with labeled photos for later reference – an advantage over shipping items to the laboratory […]
  • Four dogs were brought to a veterinary clinic when one had been seizing for several hours and the other three had begun to tremble. All four dogs had reportedly been running loose in a rural area. Vomiting was induced in the worst of the tremblers, and all three of them responded to overnight pentobarbital/fluid therapy […]
  • A 7-year-old, neutered Labrador Retriever was presented to their veterinarian for acute onset of lethargy, inappetence, and epistaxis. On physical examination, the dog had a mild fever (102.8˚F) and dried blood around the nose. Blood was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for CBC and chemistry panels. The chemistry panel was […]
  • A 10-year-old female dog presented to its veterinarian for routine exam, vaccination and heartworm testing. It was estimated that the dog had been off heartworm preventative for more than six months.  In-clinic testing revealed the presence of microfilariae on blood drop analysis, but was negative on an in-house antigen test. TVMDL received whole blood (EDTA) […]
  • Education Library Article

    What is canine influenza?Canine influenza virus (CIV), or dog flu, is a highly contagious respiratory infection of dogs that is caused by an influenza A virus. In the U.S., canine influenza has been caused by two influenza strains. The first strain reported in the United States, beginning in 2004, was an H3N8 influenza A virus. […]
  • Hundreds of samples arrive daily at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. Testing accuracy often depends on the submission of the proper specimen for the assay, particularly for molecular diagnostics. With the proper sample, we can perform the assay and provide the most timely and accurate results without delay.  While results […]
  • Hundreds of samples arrive daily at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. Testing accuracy often depends on submission of the proper specimen for the assay, particularly for molecular diagnostics.  To ensure the appropriate sample is submitted for molecular diagnostics at TVMDL, please consult the website for specific details associated with the […]
  • A litter of twelve German Shorthaired Pointer puppies whelped near their due date and included one mummified fetus and two stillborn puppies. One puppy died at one week of age, another died at two weeks of age, and two more were lost at three weeks of age. The remaining puppies had a poor suckle reflex […]
  • A forensic or legal necropsy as defined by the purposes of the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) is a necropsy done to attempt to determine the cause of death in cases where the death is known or suspected to be non-natural, there are suspicious circumstances, or there is evidence of foul play. They […]
  • Education Library Article

    Fumonisin B1 is the most prevalent of several fumonisin mycotoxins (B1, B2, B3) produced by Fusarium molds in corn. Corn contamination can occur at very high levels when permissive environmental conditions coincide with vulnerable points in corn kernel production. Equine Leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) Horses and other equids, as well as rabbits, are the most fumonisin-sensitive species. […]
  • Evaluation of increased liver enzyme activity or poor liver function tests can be a daunting task due to the variety of etiologies that can cause liver disease in small animals. Collection of fine needle aspirates for cytologic evaluation or larger tissue samples for histologic examination are often indicated for diagnosis. Several important guidelines should be […]
  • Tissues from a 3-year-old, castrated male Great Dane were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). On histopathology, the liver, spleen, and kidney were infiltrated by neoplastic lymphocytes. Neoplastic lymphocytes migrated through hepatic sinusoids and uniquely, also infiltrated hepatocytes. Hepatocytotropic lymphoma is a rare, highly aggressive form of T-cell lymphoma, arising from […]
  • An 11-month-old Bloodhound dog presented to an east Texas veterinary clinic with a 2-week history of lethargy, painfulness, and losing muscle mass. Vital signs included a temperature of 104°F, pulse 160 bpm, pink mucous membranes, and capillary refill time of more than two seconds. The fecal exam indicated a severe hookworm infestation. An in-house CBC […]
  • Small intestinal biopsy samples from a two-year-old German Shepherd dog were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station. The clinical history indicated chronic diarrhea for the last six months, normal blood parameters and no parasites noted on fecal floatation. When the biopsies were examined there were numerous white nodules […]
  • Two Presa de Canario puppies from a litter of eight were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for necropsy. These puppies were estimated to be approximately 1 to 2 weeks old. A total of six puppies from this litter had died, amounting to a mortality rate of 75%. Some puppies were […]
  • Education Library Article

    Diagnosing animal diseases frequently requires a veterinarian or a technician to collect specimens in the field. This can be difficult without having the right tools on hand. For these occasions, the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory suggests assembling a necropsy field kit. The kit should include the following tools and materials, all of which […]
  • Prior to diagnostic testing, it’s important to determine what factors would lead to the most comprehensive assessment of an animal’s condition. Each case must be evaluated individually in order to establish the most practical diagnostic testing route.  Collection Guidelines What is an ideal serum sample? Since most serologic testing utilizes serum, blood should be collected […]
  • Sertoli cell tumors are unique testicular tumors that are known for their ability to cause feminization of male dogs. These tumors are commonly diagnosed via histopathology at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). Usually, little clinical history is provided with these submissions, and usually only testicles are submitted. This article describes a case […]
  • Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is a common disorder in dogs where red blood cells are destroyed after being coated with antibodies and/or complement. IMHA can occur as a primary (idiopathic) process or secondary to a variety of etiologies (e.g. infectious agents and neoplasia). IMHA is a dangerous disorder that leads to severe clinical disease and […]
  • Three dogs from the same location were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for necropsy. The three dogs were mixed breed and genetically unrelated. Two of the dogs were 1.5-year-old males and the third was a 3 year-old female. Clinical history was not provided. Necropsy findings were of the same nature […]
  • A 6-year-old male-neutered Boxer was presented to its veterinarian for a mass on the right ear pinna. The mass was approximately 2 cm in diameter, slightly ulcerated and limited to the dermis. According to the owner, the mass had been present for approximately 2 weeks and was growing. Fine needle aspiration was performed. Slides were […]
  • A 5-year-old, male, neutered Bulldog was presented to their veterinarian for an acute onset of multiple masses. Upon examination, the masses were discovered to be lymph nodes. Fine needle aspiration was performed and slides were stained in-clinic. Five images were taken with a smart phone, in various areas of two slides collected from separate lymph […]
  • A nine-year-old, intact female, Chihuahua dog presented to their veterinarian for a solitary mass on the caudal most left mammary gland.  The mass was excised and submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for histopathology.  Histologically, hyperplastic mammary tissue was infiltrated with a multilobular, unencapsulated, poorly demarcated neoplasm.  Based on cellular morphology […]
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) received serum for marijuana testing from three different dogs over a period of five days. Each case was unrelated, and the dogs ranged in age from 1 to 12 years old. Clinical history was not provided. The serum samples were processed using solid phase extraction (SPE). Detection […]
  • A one-year-old, intact male, Staffordshire terrier was presented to his veterinarian for enlarged testicles and pitting edema of the scrotum. Serum and testicular tissue was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. A rapid slide agglutination test was negative for Brucella canis.  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) was isolated from the testicular and scrotal tissues; […]
  • Tissue from a mass on the dorsal head of a twelve-year-old spayed female, mixed breed dog was submitted to the histopathology section at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for examination. The mass on the head was noticed by the owner approximately two months before removal and it had grown noticeably during that […]
  • An 11-year-old, spayed female, mixed breed dog was presented to her veterinarian for a mass on the left hind limb. Physical exam revealed a large (~6 cm), irregularly shaped, firm, subcutaneous mass near the left hock. Fine needle aspiration was performed and slides were sent to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for […]
  • TVMDL diagnosed ocular coccidioidomycosis  via histopathology in a 12-week-old Great Pyrenees puppy from Brewster County in West Texas. This puppy was clinically diagnosed with juvenile glaucoma in the right eye and a previous history of possible unknown trauma was speculated. The affected eye was enucleated and sent to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory […]
  • TVMDL received a full set of fresh and fixed tissue samples and stomach content from a four-year-old Belgian Tervuren for testing. The dog appeared normal in the morning, running and playing in the yard. The owner found the dog deceased two hours later. It was noted that the dog liked to eat corn as it […]
  • A six-month-old, intact male, Doberman Pinscher was observed chewing on a small zip-lock bag and then spit it out. The dog became hyperactive and difficult to control. The dog also developed a bloody, mucoid stool. No vomiting was noted. The small zip-lock bag was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for […]
  • Education Library Article

    Although there have been substantial advances in benchtop hematology instrumentation for veterinary species, manual evaluation of a blood smear remains a vital part of a complete blood count (CBC). At the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL), all CBCs include manual blood smear examination by a highly skilled clinical pathology technician, a clinical pathologist, […]
  • Urine and aspirated abdominal fluid from a five-year-old Collie dog were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for a urine protein to creatinine ratio (UPC) and a fluid analysis and cytology.  The UPC was 10.48.  The protein in the abdominal fluid was 0.2 mg/dl.  The ascites was due to the large […]
  • Pseudorabies, also known as Aujezsky’s disease, mad itch, and infectious bulbar paralysis, is a highly contagious disease of swine that can also be fatal in domestic species. This past spring, pseudorabies was diagnosed in a group of hog-hunting dogs from southern Texas. Four dogs total were affected. Two were found dead with no clinical signs […]
  • A formalin-fixed globe from an 11-year-old, castrated male, Pitbull dog was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) as a biopsy. The patient was from south Texas with an unknown travel history. The dog was reported to have a history of corneal ulceration, and enucleation was performed when perforation occurred. Histologically, the […]
  • A 9-year-old intact, female, cross breed dog was presented to a practitioner for subcutaneous masses all over the body. A fine needle aspirate of one mass was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). It was highly cellular and mostly consisted of atypical round/hemic cells distributed individually within a large amount of […]
  • Education Library Article

    The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) performs numerous tests using serum. Proper collection, preparation, and packaging for transportation is imperative to obtaining a quality serum sample. Serum samples that arrive at TVMDL which are hemolyzed and/or lipemic may not be acceptable for testing. Accurate results start with an ideal sample. Ideal Sample Clear […]
  • Education Library Article

    Dermatology cases are one of the most common types of cases seen by general practitioners. A crucial diagnostic tool in these cases is the skin biopsy. They are indicated in cases that do not respond to normal therapy, pustular, or ulcerative disease, and suspected neoplasia.  Before Taking a Skin Biopsy Prior treatment should also be […]
  • Leishmania donovani/infantum Titer IFA testing was requested to assist in the clinical staging of a 6-year-old, neutered male, Spanish Galgo.   The dog was rescued in Spain and imported to the United States by a rescue group. Prior to importation, screening for Leishmania was negative.  Several months after being adopted, the dog presented with a peripheral […]
  • The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory received stomach content, fresh kidney, and serum from a two-month old mixed breed puppy for testing. The owner found the puppy deceased in the yard with foam coming from its mouth. Malicious poisoning was suspected as a neighbor previously threatened to poison the owner’s puppies. Given the uncertainty […]
  • Education Library Article

    Testing for trichomoniasis is performed daily at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). If submitted properly, a sample can be accurately and efficiently tested, and results reported to the submitting veterinarian in a timely manner.  All samples must be incubated 48 hrs (36-38°C) prior to rtPCR testing; please plan accordingly. Clearly indicate on […]
  • A 10-year-old female spayed Shih Tzu was presented to her veterinarian for an annual wellness exam. At home, the dog had been doing well but was reported to have less energy. On physical examination, the veterinarian noted mildly to moderately enlarged mandibular and prescapular lymph nodes bilaterally. A fine needle aspirate was collected and sent […]
  • Fixed and fresh tissue samples from the testicles of a dog were received at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for histopathologic evaluation and bacterial culture.  The dog was approximately 2 years old and from south Texas.  Both of the submitted testicles were described as being very hard and the dog was described […]
  • The crisp, autumn air settles in after a long and hot Texas summer, but lurking beneath the excitement is the shadowy threat of the canine infectious respiratory disease complex, otherwise known as kennel cough. Cooler temperatures mean an increase in outbreaks as dogs spend more time indoors in close quarters and their immune systems weaken. […]
  • Canine herpesvirus (CHV), or Varicellovirus canidalpha1, belongs to the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae within the Herpesviridae family. This significant pathogen affects domestic dogs, notably neonates, and is likely to be globally distributed with varying prevalence across different geographic regions. While there is a need for more recent data on the seroprevalence of CHV in the United States, historical records indicate that less […]
  • Therapeutic drugs can significantly improve the quality of life in animals with painful or long-term illnesses. However, it’s critical to monitor the level of medication in an animal’s body to ensure the dosage is safe and effective. The bodily response to therapeutic drugs is particularly important to monitor in pets with chronic conditions, such as […]
  • Education Library Article

    Canine Diagnostic Testing Canine Basic Thyroid Panel (T4, TSH, Free T4)The two most frequent thyroid disorders in dogs are primary hypothyroidism and euthyroid sick syndrome (repressed pituitary-thyroid axis due to non-thyroid illness). Additionally, some medications can induce hypothyroxinemia in dogs (i.e. phenobarbital, sulfa drugs, glucocorticoids). Other variables that may affect T4 and TSH include diestrus, […]
  • An 8-year-old, female, spayed Yorkshire terrier from southcentral Texas presented to their veterinarian with lethargy, inappetence, and an acute onset of a “hunched over” posture. The dog had no clinical history of external parasites, including ticks. Whole blood and serum were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for complete blood count […]
  • Education Library Article

    IntroductionTick-Borne Relapsing Fever (TBRF) is caused by several species of bacteria in the genus Borrelia. Similarly to Lyme disease, which is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, these bacteria are spread by ticks and cause non-specific clinical signs. In contrast to Lyme disease, TBRF Borrelia species are transmitted by soft ticks, which have different environmental and feeding […]
  • A 7-year-old, female spayed, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier from the Brazos Valley region of Texas presented to the veterinarian for lethargy and decreased appetite. The clinic found there was mild anemia and a low platelet count at 32K/µL (RI: 200-500K/µL). The veterinarian reviewed a blood smear in the clinic and noted hemoparasites. Peripheral blood was […]
  • An aspirate from a mass on the penis of a 3-year-old, intact male, mixed breed dog was submitted for examination at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in College Station. The mass was proliferative (cauliflower-like) and ulcerated on the surface. History indicated the mass had grown rapidly. Slides from the aspirate were cellular […]
  • Two submissions to TVMDL contained the following histories: Case 1 – A seven-year-old, female, spayed Chihuahua mixed breed dog had suddenly become blind about one month prior to presenting at the submitting veterinarian’s clinic. The dog had enlarged lymph nodes and a large abscess on the left side of the head. It was open-mouth breathing, […]
  • Click to Skip: Autolysis | Cautery Artifact | Freezing Artifact | Crush Artifact | Sponge Artifact Pathologic artifacts are any structures or features that are not normally present in the living animal. Some are minor, easy to distinguish from normal or diseased tissue, and/or do not interfere with the pathologists’ ability to provide an accurate […]
  • The clinical pathology section at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) received a digital cytology submission, with follow-up glass slides submission, of a prostate aspirate from a 7-year-old, male, small-breed canine. According to the referring veterinarian, the patient had a history of weight loss, diarrhea, and tenesmus. Rectal exam revealed an enlarged prostate. […]
  • Education Library Article

    Canine Vaccine Panel (ELISA)This test detects antibodies to both canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus. This assay is utilized as a screening tool for vaccination status only, not determination of infection. Results are reported as “positive” or “negative”; a negative result indicates an animal should be re-vaccinated. Canine Distemper & Parvovirus Antibody Titer Panel (IFA […]
  • Chagas disease was diagnosed via blood smear and buffy coat examination in a clinically ill puppy with ascites. Although classically observed as trypomastigotes (elongated forms) in fresh samples, these organisms can transform into a rounded form with storage (as depicted here). Chagas disease is caused by the protozoal organism, Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted by the […]
  • A two-year-old mixed breed dog was presented to their veterinarian for an inability to lose weight and mild hair loss. Blood was collected and serum was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for the Canine Basic Thyroid Panel. Results are reported below. Test Result Flag Reference Interval Unit Method T4 0.61 […]