National Poultry Improvement Plan

The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) was established in the 1930s. Since its inception, NPIP has served as a singular, cooperative program for state and federal partners to apply new diagnostic technology.

National recognition through state-level participation

The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is implemented in Texas through the following: 

  • The Texas Poultry Improvement Association (TPIA) administers feeds and dues associated with the program.
  • The Texas Poultry Improvement Board (TPIB) administers the testing, rules, and regulations related to the NPIP. 
  • USDA-VS coordinate all states that have a NPIP state program. 
Program benefits
  • State, federal, and international recognition
  • Standard terminology for disease classification
  • Listing in USDA-VS publication
  • Aids in poultry sales and/or movement of product, especially across state lines.

*Note: NPIP membership is not required for poultry sales and/or movement of product within the state of Texas.*

To join NPIP in Texas, the flock owner or operations manager will need to: 

  • Test the flock under the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program
    • The H5/H7 AI Clean status and corresponding AI testing is not required to join NPIP in Texas. 
  • Complete the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and fee statement. 
  • Return the MOU and fee statement with payment to the Texas Poultry Improvement Association with a copy of your annual PT flock test.
    • NPIP participants are strongly encouraged to submit a new PT test if their current test expires within 60 days of enrollment or renewal in the NPIP program. 
  • Submit annual dues. Once paid, dues allow participants to be active in the program from July 1-June 30. Dues are not prorated.

If you have any questions about participating in the NPIP, contact