College Station and Canyon labs will be closed Thursday, November 28. Center and Gonzales labs will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29. Please ship samples with these hours in mind.
Measurement of the percent bone marrow fat to assess the nutritional status of an individual animal. Recommended for diagnosis of malnutrition / starvation.
Detection of infectious agents (i.e. Hepatozoon spp., bacteria, spirochetes) and neoplastic cells (i.e. mast cells) by microscopic evaluation of the buffy coat.
Measurement of cadmium by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
One or more of the following:
0.5 mL EDTA whole blood
5 g fresh liver
50 mg fresh liver biopsy (at least 3 Tru-Cut samples, no fluid added)
0.5 mL heparinized whole blood
500 g feed
For birds, 0.3 mL EDTA whole blood is adequate.
Blood, serum, and urine samples are tested on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with a turnaround time of 7 days. Tissue and feed samples are tested on Mondays and Thursdays with a turnaround time of 10 days.
Measurement of WBC, PCV, and plasma protein by manual methods. Microscopic blood smear review for WBC differential, cellular morphology, thrombocyte estimate, and hemoparasites.
1 mL EDTA whole blood or lithium heparin whole blood and 1-2 air dried slides