Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a neonatal animal (less than 7 days old) to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Referral tests are not performed at TVMDL; a processing and shipping fee will apply. Detection of antigen to rabies virus by fluorescent antibody test. This test is performed at the Texas Department of State Health Services in Austin, Texas. Submissions may incur additional processing charges to remove the head and/or brain. See TVMDL’s Fee Schedule…
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Macroscopic evaluation of fresh or fixed specimens for lesions by a pathologist prior to histopathology processing.
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.
Post-mortem examination and dissection of a whole animal to harvest tissues and determine a cause of death. Legal or insurance necropsies will incur additional processing fees.