Search results for “toxicology”.
Identification of components and toxic substances, such as plants and plant parts, algae, insects, or bait material.
Follow up test for TVMDL’s toxin screens to provide quantitation for carbamates, cantharidin, ethylene glycol, glycolic acid, or metaldehyde. Measurement is performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Measurement of trace minerals by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. Targets include copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.
Determination of the chemical composition of uroliths by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.
Measurement of Vitamin A in serum samples.
Measurement of Vitamin A in liver samples.
Measurement of Vitamin E in serum or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Measurement of Vitamin E in liver samples.
Measurement of zinc by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.