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Search results for “toxic”.

  • Beetles found in alfalfa hay

    Beetles found in a new batch of alfalfa hay were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for identification. TVMDL’s toxicology section can identify toxic and non-toxic beetles using microscopic examination. The beetles submitted were identified as Tiger beetles (Cicindelidae sp.) (Figure 1). Tiger beetles are characterized by having large, carnivorous mouth parts…

  • Bone Marrow Fat [Referral]

    Referral tests are not performed at TVMDL; a processing and shipping fee will apply. Measurement of the percent bone marrow fat to assess the nutritional status of an individual animal. Recommended for diagnosis of malnutrition / starvation. 

  • Bromethalin (LC/MS)

    Detection of desmethylbromethalin, the toxic metabolite of bromethalin, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.

  • Bromethalin poisoning in a feline

    A nine month old, spayed female, domestic cat became neurologic and was unresponsive to supportive treatment. Upon death, the head and three sections of liver were submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for histopathologic evaluation and toxicology testing. Following a negative rabies test, a portion of fixed brain was examined and…

  • Bromide (UV/Vis)

    Measurement of bromide ion. This test is useful for therapeutic drug monitoring on animals being treated with potassium or sodium bromide.

  • Burn pile leads to arsenic poisoning

    Fifteen crossbred calves were placed in a pasture with a burn-pile. The day after they were provided with Johnson grass hay, one calf was found dead. Two days later, three calves were walking abnormally and had diarrhea. Feces from those calves was submitted to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) for testing. Fecal…

  • Cadmium (ICP/MS)

    Measurement of cadmium by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry. A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to tissue and feed specimens.

  • Cantharidin (LC/MS)

    Detection of cantharidin, the toxic chemical produced by blister beetles, by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.  A $10.75 sample preparation fee will be added to feed samples. 

  • Cantharidin Poisoning

    When horses ingest the cantharidin toxin through hay or alfalfa contaminated with “blister” beetles, the outcome is often fatal. Toxicosis occurs rapidly; as little as four grams of dried beetles may contain fatal levels of cantharidin. Cantharidin is extremely toxic and fast-acting, quickly affecting a horse’s ability to function. All blister beetles carry cantharidin and…

  • Carbamate Insecticides (LC/MS)

    Detection of carbamate insecticides by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Targets include aldicarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl, and oxamyl.